- Home
- Staff
- Senior Pastor: Dave Chinn
- Director of Worship: Emma Mundy
- Nursery Director/Housekeeper: Becky Bauer
- CMW Preschool Director: Sherry Sollman
- Secretary: Jenny Underhill
- Preschool Teacher: Jennifer Kramer
- Preschool Teacher: Geri Sivori
- Color My World Preschool
- Worship
- First Fruits
- Glowing
- Logs and Specs
- Made By Grace
- The Seed Grows
- Fulfilled and Fulfilling
- Water & Spirit
- The Journey
- A Voice Heard
- A Voice Heard
- Repeat the Joy
- The Peaceable Kingdom
- Light & Life
- The Royal Question
- Who Are You?
- The Priceless Penny
- Witnesses to Life
- Where is God
- The Founder of Salvation
- God's Plumb Line
- Draw Near to God
- Wisdom Calls
- If You Can
- Hearing and Doing
- Staying the Course
- The Coming Kingdom
- What God Requires
- Persevere
- Spiritual Blessings
- Good Gifts
- Alive in Christ
- A Favorable Time
- The First Sign
- Lord of the Sabbath
- Heirs with Christ
- A Holy Gift
- A Promise Made
- Rejoice
- Do You Understand
- The Good Shepherd
- Witnesses to Christ
- Life and Light
- He Has Risen
- A Grain of Wheat
- By Grace Through Faith
- The Living Bread
- The Promise
- My Beloved Son
- Breaking Tradition
- Hear Me O Lord
- A Light to the Nations
- Baptism and Wilderness
- Seek and Find
- A Piercing Sword
- The Original Christmas Ornament
- My Spirit Rejoices
- Good News
- One in Christ
- God's Provision
- One True God
- Being Like Christ
- Love What Matters Most
- Persistence
- Abide and Prosper
- Doing Your Duty
- The Question
- King of the Hill
- Seeking the Lost
- The Odd Couple
- Be Worthy
- The Tenants
- Lord, Save Me
- Life
- Be a Salty Christian
- True Freedom Comes From Jesus
- Seek God
- Divine Reboot
- Unknown
- Gifts
- Heaven Gazing
- Believe In Me
- Fellowship
- See My Hands
- He Is Not Here
- He Was Pierced
- At the Well
- Surely, the Presence of the Lord
- Three Tents
- Love One Another
- Take Heart
- Community
- Temptation
- God At Work
- This New Year
- Look What I Got
- Expectation
- Waiting
- Prepare The Way
- The Thankful Life
- He Risks Everything
- A New Road
- The Front Row
- What's Important
- A Rich Faith
- Renewal
- The Marketplace
- It's You
- A New Thing
- Here I Am, Send Me
- Come Help Us
- Let Them Go
- A Will Not Our Own
- The Power of Love
- The Church's Nature
- Walk in Wonder
- Where is the Answer?
- He Renews You
- Serving With Honor
- No Regrets in Jesus' Name
- The Unfinished Furrow
- Family
- I Am Sending You
- Whom Are You Seeking?
- His City and Ours
- Awake or Asleep
- Christ Our Brother
- He is with Me
- In the Beginning
- Seeing Ourselves
- It's Our Move
- All You Need is Love
- Back to Work
- You Fool
- What's in your Hand?
- How Can I Be Sure?
- A New Beginning
- Star Gazers
- Name Above All Names
- The Story
- Revolt to Simplicity
- Be Prepared
- Gratitude
- New Life
- Bread of Life
- The Solid Rock
- Worship
- An Unexpected Guest
- One Bread, One Body
- In Pursuit
- VBS 2024